
Research and
Project Management

Focus on the future

Unsere Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit mit Forschungseinrichtungen, Universitäten und privaten Unternehmen im EU-Raum ermöglicht uns einen Austausch auf höchstem Niveau. Unsere Stärken liegen sowohl darin Partner zusammenzubringen als auch unser eigenes Wissen und unsere Erfahrungen für erfolgreiche Ziele einzusetzen und Lösungen zu generieren welche nachhaltige und fortschrittliche Ergebnisse versprechen. Internaionale und europäische Förderprogramme im Bereich Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation sind der Schlüssel zur Zukunft. Einzelne Beteiligungen individueller Partner sind kleine Schritte für jedes Unternehmen selbst aber ein großer Schritt für Menschheit.

Sustainable urban and spatial development

Well-planned and sustainably designed urbanization and spatial development offers opportunities for economic development, social inclusion and mitigation of ecological consequences. Numerous international organizations, most notably UN-Habitat but also the European Urban Initiative, as well as associations and bodies at national level, such as WBGU, ALR and HALLBAAR STAD have issued a variety of guidelines and recommendations to promote sustainable spatial and urban development.
The development of projects, must be in accordance with the guidelines from the beginning and are both basic requirements for the success of projects and the basis for the granting of funding.
We have been accompanying EU funding programs for more than a decade and are happy to support you in project planning. We are partners for the development and implementation of sustainable planning concepts, as well as for the preparation of feasibility studies, market analyses, marketing concepts and statistical surveys.

Transport and logistics

In the distant future, the world of transport and logistics will be an innovative, digital and sustainable one. The goals are perfectly optimized processes, technical-logistical precision combined with clean power and the greatest care for sustainability. Multidisciplinary approaches are particularly in focus here, as in today's world hardly any industry acts or functions in isolation. Here, too, sustainability is not just a marginal or side issue. Sustainability is a "state of mind". It is the attitude that requires responsible thinking and action from the very beginning in all entrepreneurial activities. Principles and corporate obligations in sustainability are the new way and the new standard to be achieved.
Within the framework of the largest EU funding program (EU HORIZON), the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Transport (STRIA) is listed as a priority. Research and innovation in this area should be accelerated in order to bring about radical change in transport.


Digital Health

Digitization in healthcare is another milestone in the digital transformation. Connecting the technological possibilities and developments with medicine are growing challenges. There is also a growth market in healthcare management and the digital contemporary adaptations therein. Product segments such as digital health passports, fittness, health and other medicine specific APP`s as well as medical product user related services are in high demand and need a protected and data backup based foundation.The European Union is also investing in research, technology and innovation in the field of health, and aims to develop and accelerate solutions to address today's challenges through funding programs. The main areas of intervention under Horizon Europe are health across the life course, environmental and social determinants of health, non-communicable and rare diseases and infectious diseases - including poverty-related and neglected diseases, tools, technologies and digital solutions for health and care - including personalized medicine, and health systems themselves.

Risk management and controlling

From the point of view of risk management, the digitalization market harbors both unknown, unprecedented risks and unimagined opportunities. Defining the corporate strategy, taking these opportunities and risks into account, and readily adapting to change have long since become not only a corporate obligation, but also a decisive factor in success and failure.
Controlling is an essential part of strategic alignment in a company. With the multitude of processes that a company has implemented, the challenge lies in both internal and external controlling and the resulting flood of data to strategically read out the right decisions and implement them operationally, as well as to fundamentally align the controlling management in the best possible way along the company.
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